New to Shademaster Nursery or looking for more information?
We love our contractors and landscapers! We offer discounts off of all of our stock. Most purchases can be tax exempt as long as you provide a valid Tax ID number. Orders can be placed in person, through email or over the phone. We encourage you to stop out and see what we have to offer and speak with Victor or Alex. All we ask is that 2 forms are filled out to begin purchasing from us. You can save time and fill them out ahead of time or you may fill them out in the office. You can find those forms here. If you do not wish to be tax exempt, you will still receive the discount.Jobs large or small, we want to be the ones to help you get you on your way as efficiently as possible with the best plant material. If you have a larger quantity of items needed, give us a call! We can let you know if we can bring it in on our next truck for you!